Install via Javascript

Kuoll monitoring online store front-end for errors and conversion events. Kuoll monitoring.js is installing as a piece of JavaScript into web-application. Kuoll provides reports about critical errors and top revenue-killers. Kuoll alerts about new critical errors.

Copy and paste the code below to the bottom of web pages of your web application.

<script>(function (w, k, t){if (!window.Promise){w[k]=w[k]||function(){};return;}w[k] = w[k] || function () {var a = arguments; return new Promise(function (y, n) {(w[k].q = w[k].q || []).push({a: a, d: {y: y, n: n}});});};var s = document.createElement(t),f = document.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];s.async = 1;s.src = '';f.parentNode.insertBefore(s, f);}(window, 'kuoll', 'script')); kuoll('startRecord', { API_KEY: "YOUR_API_KEY", userId: 1 }); </script>

This code will contain your unique Kuoll API key and should be copied directly into your store code. Please, verify your unique API key at Kuoll dashboard.


The monitoring.js script works on all modern browsers. In case the script is loaded on an unsupported browser, it deactivates itself without causing an issue.